What is LSAW, SSAW, ERW Pipe?(Welded Pipe)
17 / Feb / 2022
LSAW Pipe (Longitudinal Submerged Arc-Welding Pipe), is taking the steel plate as raw material, mold it by the molding machine, then do double-sided submerged arc welding. Through this process the LSAW steel pipe will get excellent ductility, weld toughness, uniformity, plasticity and great sealing.
SSAW pipe is also known as the Spiral Submerged- Arc Welded Steel Pipe that is a type of spirally welded steel pipe produced by using the double-sided submerged arc welding method. Spiral welded pipes are formed using narrower plates or hot rolled coils, which lowers their production costs significantly. The spiral welding process permits the production of large-diameter pipes suitable for transporting large volumes of oil and gas. Traditional SSAW pipes were historically limited to low pressure applications.
ERW pipe (also called ERW steel pipe) is the abbreviation Electric Resistance Welded Pipes. Electric resistance welding refers to a group of welding process (including spot and seam welding) that produce coalescence of faying surfaces where heat to form the weld is generated by the electrical resistance of material combined with the time and the force used to hold the materials together during welding. ERW steel pipes and tube are available in various qualities, wall thicknesses, and diameters of the finished pipes